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Early Summer update

It’s been such a busy time in the garden that the blog page has been on hold. At last we have planted out the summer annuals, Exotic succulent Aloes, Cannas, Dahlias and tender shrubs. Thank goodness we spent time in November lifting some of our half hardy plants to store under glass as this winter is still showing the effects on plants as they turn brown and the leaves drop off as late as May!
One success story for overwintering plants under glass is a magnificent specimen of the “Poor Knights Lily” Xeronema callistemon. It is endemic to the Poor Knights and Hen and Chicken Islands off the North Island of New Zealand. It is frost tender yet we have tried it outside because we generally have a mild winter, but it just sat there and sulked. In a pot it thrives as its roots are potbound which it seems to like.
This year it has grown stems with giant bottlebrush-like red fower spikes making an excellent plant for a tropical effect.

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