Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens

Santa’s Grotto – Visit Santa in his Gardens Grotto SOLD OUT

7th December until 23rd December 2024

ALL DATES -SOLD OUT Someone very special is visiting the Subtropical Gardens. Make a magical memory with a Christmas tradition. The Garden’s Santa is back again this year in his cosy cabin.  A ticket to see Santa includes a visit to the Gardens Grotto where Santa will talk about festive traditions and a special age approximate gift. Santa Grotto tickets are £12.95 per child. Tickets include free entry to the Gardens for the child and one adult (daytime only).

For family and friends that want to visit together when booking tickets look for timeslots at the same time or consecutive. The Grotto is cosy so it does depend a little on space. Each timeslot can accommodate 3 children. Each child must have purchased a ticket no matter what age.

Tickets include free entry to the gardens for the child and one adult (daytime only). Family members can join the Santa visit for a walk around the Gardens a special winter ticket can be purchased on the day.

Free car parking, the Café and Gift Shop are open.

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