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Steve Griffith - Curator at Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens

About Stephen Griffith

I have been the Horticultural manager/Curator for Abbotsbury SubTropical Gardens since taking over after massive storm damage back in 1990. The gardens trustees wanted a fresh new 10 year development plan to revive this historic yet overgrown and neglected garden, to improve the plant content, infrastructure, interpretation and tourism aspects – Prior to Abbotsbury I have been designing and restoring landscapes and gardens in diverse places such as Saudi Arabia, South of France, Sark C.I, Cotswolds and the New Forest. I also lead garden tours world wide, write articles and the odd book. Professional bodies – I am a member of the RHS woody plant committee, M.I Hort, International Camellia Society.

18May 20

The Plant Centre is open again!

Now our Plant Centre is open again, we've got an excellent stock of some of the rarer plants everyone associates with Abbotsbury Gardens. We’ve been busy looking after our plants during the lockdown and have masses of even bigger and better plants ready to go. If you’ve looked at our images…

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10Jan 20

Tools of the trade

I couldn’t believe it when I looked at my blog page, it was last updated over a year ago so it's about time I put down some thoughts. I have been caught up in the a tendency to use the quick fix in social media by quickly downloading a picture…

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14Aug 18

A challenging spring and summer

Everyone involved with managing a garden with important botanical collections across the country can vouch that this last winter was a tricky one. I’ve heard of major plant loss in several historic gardens because of the unpredictable late winter and intensity of cold that penetrated the stems of woody plants…

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