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Steve Griffith - Curator at Abbotsbury Subtropical Gardens

About Stephen Griffith

I have been the Horticultural manager/Curator for Abbotsbury SubTropical Gardens since taking over after massive storm damage back in 1990. The gardens trustees wanted a fresh new 10 year development plan to revive this historic yet overgrown and neglected garden, to improve the plant content, infrastructure, interpretation and tourism aspects – Prior to Abbotsbury I have been designing and restoring landscapes and gardens in diverse places such as Saudi Arabia, South of France, Sark C.I, Cotswolds and the New Forest. I also lead garden tours world wide, write articles and the odd book. Professional bodies – I am a member of the RHS woody plant committee, M.I Hort, International Camellia Society.

04Apr 11

News Flash

I had a reminder yesterday from Carole at the garage that the gardens and my interview is to be on TV tomorrow! Wow how could I forget 5 minutes of fame. So tune in to ITV 8pm on "Countrywise" Tuesday April 5th. The whole program is filmed in our beautiful…

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31Mar 11

1st April 2011

It's funny how every April 1st that comes around I regret not having planned some great hoax in the garden like the famous 'Spaghettii harvest' that once fooled some of the nation. I did once, much to the dismay of some of my staff. I climbed one of our Chusan…

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17Mar 11

17th March 2011

The beautiful Himalayan Magnolia campbellii is a tree that once seen in full flower is never forgotten. The stunning pink flowers, each the size of a tea cup and saucer, decorate the bare branches before the leaves come out, shining through the woodland canopy like a beacon. This year they…

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