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Flaming June !!


Late flowering Salvia atrocyanea
Island bed Aloes

At last we managed to get all the bedding plants planted out along with half hardy exotics like Fuchia boliviana and Strelitzias. For structure plants we used the giant Aloes again as they make such a bold statement in the center of the island bed. I am trying  some new species of Salvia that we grew from seed this spring that came from the renown Salvia grower Robin Middleton. Salvia vitifolia is promised to grow 6′ in one season with striking blue flowers, and happy in the shade! It comes from the mountain forests of Oaxaca region of Mexico. Another six footer is Salvia atrocyanea from Bolivia and should be hardy in the south west.

All we really want is some sunshine. We were teased in late May when it reached 25C for a short while, now all this rain and cloud has held back any early growth. Still you must be quite happy if you are a slug because they are having a party. Oh and not to forget those cute little baby bunnies that have devoured the Cosmos!! Rabbit stew is on the menu petty soon.



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