Early Summer update
It's been such a busy time in the garden that the blog page has been on hold. At last we have planted out the summer annuals, Exotic succulent Aloes, Cannas, Dahlias and tender shrubs. Thank goodness we spent time in…
It's been such a busy time in the garden that the blog page has been on hold. At last we have planted out the summer annuals, Exotic succulent Aloes, Cannas, Dahlias and tender shrubs. Thank goodness we spent time in…
I had a reminder yesterday from Carole at the garage that the gardens and my interview is to be on TV tomorrow! Wow how could I forget 5 minutes of fame. So tune in to ITV 8pm on "Countrywise" Tuesday…
It's funny how every April 1st that comes around I regret not having planned some great hoax in the garden like the famous 'Spaghettii harvest' that once fooled some of the nation. I did once, much to the dismay of…
The beautiful Himalayan Magnolia campbellii is a tree that once seen in full flower is never forgotten. The stunning pink flowers, each the size of a tea cup and saucer, decorate the bare branches before the leaves come out, shining…